
BTCC is shutting down its mining pool

The BTCC mine pool was launched in 2014. For more than 4 years, we have been adhering to the ideal of providing the most stable and transparent mining services for miners. We have won the support and trust of the miners with low rejection of low latency and 7*24 hours of quality service, while safeguarding the security of digital asset networks. It also undertakes the responsibility of promoting the development of the blockchain ecosystem. Today, we regret to announce that due to business adjustments, the BTCC pool will shut down all mining servers on November 15 and will cease operations indefinitely from November 30. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, please miners to complete the power switch before November 15th, and bind the mining revenue address before November 20th, we will release the profits of all miners in time. We firmly believe that the digital encryption assets and blockchain industry represented by Bitcoin will continue to develop and improve. You, remember, ...

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Humanitarna organizacija “Budimo ljudi” razveseliće decu iz socijalno ugroženih porodica u šest opština Srpcu, Krupi na Uni, Oštroj Luci, Vukosavlju, Pelagićevu i Sanskom Mostu, a sugrađani akciju mogu podržati doniranjem slatkiša, igračaka i školskog pribora. Kao i svake godine, posetiće Sigurnu kuću i mališane hospitalizovane u Univerzitetsko-kliničkom centru RS, te decu u Centru za rehabilitaciju sluha i govora. Koordinatorka akcije Daniela Ratešić Došen ističe da akcija za sada dobro ide i podseća da će paketićima obradovati decu do deset godina. - Podržite i ove godine našu akciju kako bismo paketićima obradovali što više dece za novogodišnje praznike. Budimo ljudi, jer dečji osmeh je najveći poklon za sve nas - poručila je Ratešić Došen. U sklopu akcije organizuju se i druženja sa poznatim Banjalučanima, kojoj su se do sada odazvali muzičari Vanja Mišić, Lukijan Ivanović i mladi Sergej Pajić. U subotu, 9. decembra, akciju će promovisati glumac Narodnog pozoriš...

Microsoft Worker Leaves for Google, Criticizes Post-Windows Vista Dev Strategy

Microsoft employee Tim Sneath, who spent no less than 17 years with the company, announced in a  blog post  that he’s leaving the software giant to work for Google on the new Flutter mobile framework Sneath started his post by emphasizing how great Microsoft is, explaining that he company has “incredibly diverse interests” and is “filled with talented people.” Despite the good parts, however, the former Microsoft Program Manager who worked on a series of projects for developers, discussed what he described as the “missteps” that the Redmond-based software giant embraced beginning with the Windows Vista era. “Microsoft failed to adjust rapidly to the new competitive threats posed by the rise of the standards-based web and the resurgence of Apple and the iPhone. Its rapid growth left it with the defender’s dilemma of being attacked by all sides, while also being unwilling to sacrifice existing businesses for new opportunities,” Sneath says, pointing out that Microsoft w...

Apple Deliberately Blocks iPhone X’s Portrait Lighting Effects on Older iPhones

The new Portrait Lighting effects available on the iPhone 8 and the iPhone X could run on previous iPhone models as well, but Apple has implemented a restriction that blocks previous-generation devices from enabling it. This is what developer Steven Troughton-Smith has  discovered  after running a few tests, explaining that it all seems to be just a software limitation that Apple introduced to keep Portrait Lighting an exclusive feature of the latest iPhone models. As part of his test, Troughton-Smith transferred a photo taken with the iPhone 7 Plus Portrait mode to his Mac to make a series of metadata changes, only to then upload the tweaked photo to his iPhone X Software limitation needed because of older hardware When opening the image on the iPhone X, iOS actually launched the new Portrait Lighting interface and not the classic Portrait mode that was used to take the photo. Furthermore, it appears that sending an iPhone X photo taken with Portrait Lightin...

Након што је оптужен за корупцију, ЕУЛЕКС узвраћа ударац

Мисија Европске уније на Косову саопштила је да је против бившег судије Малкома Симонса, који је оптужио Еулекс за корупцију, у току истрага. Реакција мисије ЕУ уследила је пошто је Симонс француском Монду рекао да је та мисија "политичка" и да је због корупције поднио оставку. "Малком Симонс је, већ годину дана, предмет серије независних истрага због озбиљних оптужби", наводи се у одговору Еулекса. Мисија Европске уније навела је и да је, ради истраге, у Бриселу формиран посебан тим, на чијем се челу налази бивши судија Европског суда правде. "ЕУ и Еулекс немају толеранцију према неодговарајућем и неприкладном понашању свих службеника мисије, који су одговорни за своје поступке. У том смислу, све наводе господина Симонса третирамо са једнаком озбиљношћу", наводи се у саопштењу Еулекса. Извор: РТС


The shift from traditional forms of payment to modern technology has prompted the Bitcoin digital currency to become increasingly popular and valuable. In 2017, Bitcoin's strong rise came as it reached $2800 and is likely to reach $4000- $5000 by the end of this year. With great potential in the future Bitcoin is becoming a potential market for investors. The exploitation and ownership of Bitcoin is a simple and effective way to make you rich. Bitcolesium is trading & mining bitcoins to only offer an investment platform that is user-friendly and can help investors to choose a platform where they can invest without doing so themselves. Hence, we have created an innovative platform with complete infrastructure. Our platform helps users to earn Bitcoins without managing hardware, software, electricity, bandwidth or other issues for mining and investors not risking their money trading themselves. Do not miss the opportunity. Every person who  registers  an account with u...