Humanitarna organizacija “Budimo ljudi” razveseliće decu iz socijalno ugroženih porodica u šest opština Srpcu, Krupi na Uni, Oštroj Luci, Vukosavlju, Pelagićevu i Sanskom Mostu, a sugrađani akciju mogu podržati doniranjem slatkiša, igračaka i školskog pribora. Kao i svake godine, posetiće Sigurnu kuću i mališane hospitalizovane u Univerzitetsko-kliničkom centru RS, te decu u Centru za rehabilitaciju sluha i govora. Koordinatorka akcije Daniela Ratešić Došen ističe da akcija za sada dobro ide i podseća da će paketićima obradovati decu do deset godina. - Podržite i ove godine našu akciju kako bismo paketićima obradovali što više dece za novogodišnje praznike. Budimo ljudi, jer dečji osmeh je najveći poklon za sve nas - poručila je Ratešić Došen. U sklopu akcije organizuju se i druženja sa poznatim Banjalučanima, kojoj su se do sada odazvali muzičari Vanja Mišić, Lukijan Ivanović i mladi Sergej Pajić. U subotu, 9. decembra, akciju će promovisati glumac Narodnog pozoriš...
Приказују се постови за 2017
Microsoft Worker Leaves for Google, Criticizes Post-Windows Vista Dev Strategy
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Microsoft employee Tim Sneath, who spent no less than 17 years with the company, announced in a blog post that he’s leaving the software giant to work for Google on the new Flutter mobile framework Sneath started his post by emphasizing how great Microsoft is, explaining that he company has “incredibly diverse interests” and is “filled with talented people.” Despite the good parts, however, the former Microsoft Program Manager who worked on a series of projects for developers, discussed what he described as the “missteps” that the Redmond-based software giant embraced beginning with the Windows Vista era. “Microsoft failed to adjust rapidly to the new competitive threats posed by the rise of the standards-based web and the resurgence of Apple and the iPhone. Its rapid growth left it with the defender’s dilemma of being attacked by all sides, while also being unwilling to sacrifice existing businesses for new opportunities,” Sneath says, pointing out that Microsoft w...
Apple Deliberately Blocks iPhone X’s Portrait Lighting Effects on Older iPhones
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The new Portrait Lighting effects available on the iPhone 8 and the iPhone X could run on previous iPhone models as well, but Apple has implemented a restriction that blocks previous-generation devices from enabling it. This is what developer Steven Troughton-Smith has discovered after running a few tests, explaining that it all seems to be just a software limitation that Apple introduced to keep Portrait Lighting an exclusive feature of the latest iPhone models. As part of his test, Troughton-Smith transferred a photo taken with the iPhone 7 Plus Portrait mode to his Mac to make a series of metadata changes, only to then upload the tweaked photo to his iPhone X Software limitation needed because of older hardware When opening the image on the iPhone X, iOS actually launched the new Portrait Lighting interface and not the classic Portrait mode that was used to take the photo. Furthermore, it appears that sending an iPhone X photo taken with Portrait Lightin...
Након што је оптужен за корупцију, ЕУЛЕКС узвраћа ударац
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Мисија Европске уније на Косову саопштила је да је против бившег судије Малкома Симонса, који је оптужио Еулекс за корупцију, у току истрага. Реакција мисије ЕУ уследила је пошто је Симонс француском Монду рекао да је та мисија "политичка" и да је због корупције поднио оставку. "Малком Симонс је, већ годину дана, предмет серије независних истрага због озбиљних оптужби", наводи се у одговору Еулекса. Мисија Европске уније навела је и да је, ради истраге, у Бриселу формиран посебан тим, на чијем се челу налази бивши судија Европског суда правде. "ЕУ и Еулекс немају толеранцију према неодговарајућем и неприкладном понашању свих службеника мисије, који су одговорни за своје поступке. У том смислу, све наводе господина Симонса третирамо са једнаком озбиљношћу", наводи се у саопштењу Еулекса. Извор: РТС
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The shift from traditional forms of payment to modern technology has prompted the Bitcoin digital currency to become increasingly popular and valuable. In 2017, Bitcoin's strong rise came as it reached $2800 and is likely to reach $4000- $5000 by the end of this year. With great potential in the future Bitcoin is becoming a potential market for investors. The exploitation and ownership of Bitcoin is a simple and effective way to make you rich. Bitcolesium is trading & mining bitcoins to only offer an investment platform that is user-friendly and can help investors to choose a platform where they can invest without doing so themselves. Hence, we have created an innovative platform with complete infrastructure. Our platform helps users to earn Bitcoins without managing hardware, software, electricity, bandwidth or other issues for mining and investors not risking their money trading themselves. Do not miss the opportunity. Every person who registers an account with u...
Microsoft Delays Major Windows 10 Fall Creators Update Feature
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Microsoft revealed a bunch of new features coming in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update earlier this year at build, but it turns out that at least one of them won’t be ready in time for the September release. Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore revealed on Twitter that Timeline , a feature which allows Windows, Android, and iOS users to pick up from where they left off on different devices and to resume an activity from an earlier snapshot, would only be included in preview builds after the company ships the Fall Creators Update. This means that insiders would get it when Microsoft starts work for the next Windows 10 update coming after Redstone 3 this fall. “Timeline won’t be ready in the Fall Creators Update. We’re planning for it to be in early insider builds shortly after FCU is out,” Joe Belfiore explained, before going on to explain that “we described [the] set of features that would come with FCU… and I thought we’d communicated uncertainty.” “Not a delay” Belfiore...
Rockstor Linux NAS Solution Now Offers Full Disk Encryption with LUKS
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Rockstor, the Linux- and Btrfs-based open-source storage operating system that supports features like CIFS/SMB, snapshots, and Copy-on-Write, has been updated recently to version 3.9.1. Rockstor 3.9.1 is the latest and most advanced version of the operating system, shipping with many improvements, under-the-hood optimizations, and some exciting new features like the ability to encrypt disk installations using LUKS and support for scheduling power management, and support for jumbo frames. "Disk encryption with LUKS is the biggest feature we’ve added and something the community has been wanting for a while. We’ve also added support for scheduling power management and jumbo frames just to name a few," says Suman Chakravartula in the release announcement. Now powered by Linux kernel 4.10 Another interesting feature implemented in the Rockstor 3.9.1 release is a kernel from the Linux 4.10 series, which was added from the ELRepo repository. However, users sho...
HTC 10 Explodes, Causes Severe Hand Burns and Eye Infection
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A new smartphone has caught fire, this time with severe injuries suffered by the owner who was holding the phone in hand at the time of the incident . Nidhi Kapoor explains in a Facebook post that her HTC 10 exploded all of a sudden without even being plugged in to a charger, causing burns to her fingers and an eye infection, most likely because of smoke or parts of the phone or battery that were thrown out following the blow. The phone was purchased in January, the owner says, and it showed no signs of physical damage, which seems to indicate that the device indeed suffered from overheating in the battery compartment and which eventually caused it to explode. “My HTC 10 exploded which burned my fingers and gave an infection in the eye. I purchased on 17th january 2017. It has been a week and since then HTC have given me no response. All they ask is my email id and imei number which i have given so many times,” the woman posted. “It was not even charging whe...
US Government Websites Hacked with Pro-ISIS, Anti-Donald Trump Messages
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A large number of websites belonging to the United States government have been hacked during the weekend, with evidence of new hacks also published on late Monday and early Tuesday Websites in Ohio and Maryland were taken down after hacking group Team System DZ compromised the index page with pro-ISIS and anti-Donald Trump messages. The websites of Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Howard County, Maryland, were the first two that got compromised on Sunday, but further attacks also targeted the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections, the Ohio Governor, the Ohio First Lady, the Office of Workforce Transformation, Office of Health Transformation and Medicaid. Additionally, Team System DZ also targeted the Washington State Department of Health website, as well as a number of pages belonging to international organizations. FBI already investigating The defaced websites included a black wallpaper and an Arabic symbol, with an Islamic call to prayer running in the b...
iPhone 8 Getting a Virtual Home Button, No Fingerprint Sensor in the Screen
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KGI analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who has a very good track on predictions and leaks regarding unreleased Apple products, says the 2017 iPhone lineup will indeed include 3 different models, one of which would come with an OLED display. First and foremost, the OLED iPhone is likely the iPhone 8 that we’ve seen in so many leaks and which is expected to come with a sensor bar at the top of the screen. Ming-Chi Kuo says this particular model will come with what he calls “a full-screen design,” and it will have the highest screen-to-body ratio of any smartphone currently on the market. What’s more unexpected, however, is that this iPhone model will come with a virtual home button integrated into the screen, but without fingerprint recognition. This means that the fingerprint sensor would not be embedded into the display, so Apple is either planning to move it elsewhere or to give up on its completely. The iPhone 8 is expected to come with fewer color options as comp...
Windows 10 Redstone 3 RTM to Launch as Version 1709
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Windows 10 Redstone 3 is projected to be finalized in September, as per Microsoft’s strategy to ship two major Windows updates every year, and now we have the first confirmation that this is indeed the plan, with the RTM build to be compiled as version 1709. Microsoft is giving version numbers to final Windows 10 builds that represent the compiling year and month, with Windows 10 Anniversary Update, for example, launching as version 1607 – the first two digits represent the year, while the other two the month, so the Anniversary Update was compiled in July 2016. Official Microsoft documents spotted by WZor , who has a good track on information regarding unreleased Windows versions, include references to Windows 10 version 1709, which according to the aforementioned naming approach, is like ly to be the RTM build of Redstone 3 launching in September 2017. The Fall Creators Update project Windows 10 Redstone 3 will be officially called Fall Creators Update...
New Details on Fitbit's First Smartwatch Leak
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Fitbit’s eagerly-anticipated debut in the smartwatch market is likely to take place in the fall, after several delays that were caused by certain technologies not being ready for launch. But Fitbit claims all these reports are false and the smartwatch is actually on track, emphasizing that the device would undoubtedly succeed. Development of the smartwatch and third-party apps “are on track,” the company was quoted as saying , and “claims that the developer program is struggling are false.” And yet, people familiar with the matter seem to be claiming otherwise. Company employees said that the smartwatch is indeed late to the market, with Fitbit’s board originally planning to launch it as a rival to Apple Watch 2 “This thing is designed to compete with the Apple Watch 2,” a company insider said. “But by the time it comes out, there will be the Apple Watch 3.” So why is it taking so long for Fitbit to launch a smartwatch? While previous reports indicated that Fitbit migh...
NVIDIA SHIELD Tablets Receive Recovery OS Firmware 5.2.0 - Update Now
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NVIDIA has provided the download links for its new firmware release targeted at SHIELD Tablet models (WiFi, LTE RoW, and K1), namely version 5.2.0, which fixes the GPS crash events encountered on these devices, and more. Specifically speaking, this new release also updates the SHIELD units to Android Security Patch Level April 1, 2017, improves compatibility with non-standard chargers, and implements overall stability and security optimizations. To be clear about the downloadable packages, NVIDIA has made available 3 files (one for each SHIELD model) that allow owners to install a fresh (stock) 5.2.0 software upgrade on their tablets Before considering an upgrade, first of all, you must understand that this process is quite difficult and puzzling, and it should only be performed when you have familiarized yourself with all the steps; an update failure can cause serious malfunctions or even render the device unusable. So, if you’re ready to install this version, make s...